
Taught courses and supervised theses

Taught Courses

In the winter term 2024/2025, I am the organising teaching assistant for the course on Dynamical Processes on Networks. Feel free to reach out to me with feedback and questions!

During the winter term 2023/2024 I was seminar coordinator for the seminar on (advanced) topics in network science.

During the summer term 2023 I was teaching assistant for the course on Dynamical Processes on Networks.

In Bonn and Göttingen, I was tutor for Algebra (2017/2018), Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists (2019), and Topology I (2020/2021).

Supervised Theses

I am currently supervising these theses:

  • Joint Sampling and Signal Reconstruction on Edges and Nodes, Jana Hauer

The following students have succesfully written their theses under my supervision:

  • Comparative analysis of spectral methods for community detection with heterogeneous cluster sizes, Jana Hauer, 2023
  • Determining the number of clusters in subspace clustering, Peihong Shi, 2023
  • Outlier Detection for Trajectories using the normalised and weighted Hodge-Laplacian, Xinyan Lai, 2024

If you are interested in writing a thesis on a topic of my research, feel free to contact me with a topic proposition. If you don’t have a topic in mind but want to write a thesis at our chair, please follow the instructions on our website.

NetSci Mailing List

The Network Science Chair at RWTH has a mailing list for interested students for talks on current research. Feel free to send me a mail in case you are interested!